Venezuelan flag CD-COOPS-III
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who served in
Venezuela, 1967-69, in the
Community Development/Cooperatives III Program
Peace Corps Logo

This is our Reunion Planning Page!

In early 2002 Bob Vitro began contacting a few Washington DC-area members of our group to talk about holding a new general group reunion, with the idea of repeating in some way the highly successful reunion Doug Reymore hosted in 1994. With encouragement from DC-area members, Bob undertook a survey of all group members whose addresses we could find, and got a good response.

Opinions came back generally quite positive on the concept, but there were many different proposed dates and locations, and a consensus never emerged for any one place or time. Several group members generously offered their homes as possible reunion sites, but as the summer approached it became apparent that many group members already had made their summer plans, and getting a group together in the summer was probably not feasible.

We considered having a gathering at the same time and place as the national Peace Corps anniversary reunion scheduled for early fall in DC, but there was never much enthusiasm for this idea. Attention then shifted to a possible reunion in 2003. However, no new planning has taken place between early summer and December, 2002. Perhaps one of us will pick up the torch again...?

This Web page documents the exchanges of e-mail messages and the survey work that took place between January and May, 2002, and highlights the 5/28/02 e-mail message from the DC planning group summarizing the results of the final survey.

Link to 5/28/02 e-mail message from the "DC4" (led by Bob Vitro): Final Survey Results and Conclusions.

Please send in your ideas and suggestions about the reunion to Bob Vitro at All proposals will be posted on this Web site.
Here are the 2002 reunion planning documents in chronological order:

Chronology, Key Emails, and Documents
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