Subj: PC Reunion ???? 
Date: 1/27/02 12:42:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet

Marge and David:
I really enjoyed talking with the both of you last week.  Hopefully, we will be able to get together some time soon to decide if we should proceed with the organization of a thirty-fifth anniversary reunion (we started training in 1967) in the Washington, DC area some time this summer..  I will send a copy of this message to Debbie via regular mail since she was unable to giver me her e-mail address when we spoke on the phone.
As someone who was unable to attend the previous reunion, I would hope that it will be possible to organize a second one.  However, I am not sure if it will be feasible.  Nonetheless, I believe that we should try to make a collective decision in this regard
After our telephone conversations, I called Doug to get some guidiance about the things we should consider when we meet.  He mentioned the following topics:
1.    Survey:    We should contact all members of the group to determine level of interest, location and preferred dates as well as finding out who else would be willing to help organize the event).
2.    Justification:    There should be a good reason for coming together (anniversary, new location and found members of the group, all could work)
3.     Site:    A self-contained area is desirable
4.    Duration:    Two-and-a-half days (Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon)
5.    Program:    Should be kept to a minimum but some structure helps (i.e., continuous slide show of training, Venezuela, lives since Venezuela, Update on Venezuela today, etc.)
Doug offered to send a copy of the survey form he used as well as other information related to organization of the first reunion.   Perhaps, he will decide to send a set to each of us as a reply to this message.  If he only sends the documents to me, I will forward it to each of you.
In the meantime, let's try to set a date, time and location for getting together.  Please let me know if you prefer to meet in downtown DC during the week for lunch or after work or at one of our homes on a weekend.  You are all welcome to come to our place for a couple of hours on a weekend.  If this option were acceptable, I would like to suggest either Saturday or Sunday, February 9 or 10.  Our house located about five minutes from Montgomery Mall near the "split" between I-270 and the Beltway.
Let's keep in touch by using e-mail and telephone as much as possible.  The phone numbers are:  David (703-241-8118, Marjorie (410-573-2028 ) and Debbie (301-855-0147).  My home number is: 301-983-1341 (weekdays any time after 9:00 pm).
I look forward to your reply.