Subj: Re: 35th PC Reunion Prel Svy Results 
Date: 3/6/02 1:08:36 AM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet

A couple of thoughts on our process to date. First of all, of primary importance at this point (IMHO) is current information on our group members, especially physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers. To this end, I vote we set up a "contact tree": Each of us who has responded, as long as we are willing, does his own follow-up with some of those we haven't heard from as yet. I'd be willing to call six or seven people myself. I wouldn't even push for any commitment regarding the reunion in these initial (phone) contacts -- just get an update on the data and see how they're doing. It's one thing to get a letter in the mail. It's much more direct and personal to get a long distance call from an old friend.
With updated info on everyone, or almost everyone, we can continue to communicate and build up enthusiasm for the reunion. Having a web page would be wonderful. I believe Leo Fischer also volunteered at one point to help out in this area, as has David Hunsberger. The web page could help us get caught up with each other in ways we couldn't accomplish at a reunion without having a lot more than two or three days, making the reunion itself even more enjoyable. Some of us may even have our own web site that could be linked.
Also, I would like to have us put together some additional reasons for getting together again. Yes, we're getting older, but I can determine that in my own mirror. Yes, it will be 35 years since we first met in Tucson. But what else? Of personal importance to me would be to be able to see those who couldn't make it to the first reunion. That would be great, especially if we can get all those who attended the first reunion to join this upcoming one. How's about if we even double-team those we can locate who couldn't make the first get-together? Once we have that list, and a tentative commitment from them, we use that as bait for the others! If we end up meeting in the Washington, DC area, what might be offered to make that visit especially memorable? How about a talk from a high-up in the Peace Corps? We might even put together some ideas for feedback from our end.
Down the road, we can work out details such as "silent sponsors" who would be willing to help facilitate the attendance of anyone who would like to join us, but couldn't otherwise due to financial limitations. I know there are at least three or four in our group, if not more, who would be willing to help. This would naturally have to be done very discreetly.
Another thought is using the Web and/or Friend Finders or whatever to locate those of us who are MIA. That could be an alternative for some of us, while others are calling the ones we have current information on.
I see at least three objectives here: (1) Getting our group linked up again with current information; (2) getting a web site up and running to facilitate communication and create excitement for... (3) a wonderful CD/COOP III Reunion, part deux, whenever and wherever that works out.
That's my Bolivar's worth.
Doug Reymore