Subj: CD Coop III 35 Survey Action Update 
Date: 3/7/02 10:59:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet

Hello everyone!
Based on Doug's recommendations and the exchange of messages between Peter and David, I think we should proceed as follows:
-    Reminder Mailing
     will try to send a reminder mailing by Saturday (9) to no all non-respondents.  A note will be added.  In it, I will mention we need help with the web site.
-    Web site
    I think we should not rush into site design.  Let's do what we can to mobilize others in the group.  If David and Peter could come up with the contents and send a message to the group on this subject during the week of March 18, I will provide both of you with the e-mail addresses you will need.  We should invest sufficient intellectual capital so we make the best first attempt possible. 
-    Telephone tree
    This weekend I will divide the non-respondents into short lists for Debbie, Marge, David, Doug and I to call during the week of March 11 to remind people to respond to the survey by March 15.  I will try to send the lists via e-mail on Sunday evening.
-    Distribution of survey results
    The consolidated results should be sent via e-mail and regular mail (to those without e-mail) during the week of March 18.  After these mailings are sent, the next day Peter and David would send their message repeating the request for additional help with the website.  
Please send any reactions about the above to me by Friday night or early Saturday morning.