Venezuelan flag CD-COOPS-III
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who served in
Venezuela, 1967-69, in the
Community Development/Cooperatives III Program
Peace Corps Logo

Welcome to the home page of CD-COOPS-III!

This Web page is organized in four parts -- click on any of the colored link cells below!

Our Current Directory
Last updated
February 21, 2006
Reunion Planning for 2002-2003
Last updated December 22, 2002
News and Pictures of our Group
Last updated February 4, 2006
Links of Interest
Last updated
February 4, 2006

Your temporary Webmaster (David Hunsberger) would like to express appreciation for the work done by Bob Vitro to get this whole concept launched. Bob's emails, phone calls, and meetings have been the spark and the driving force for the planning of a new reunion and for getting a Web site put into place.

This Web site is not interactive. It depends on your Webmaster's receiving and posting everything manually, using his professional site as a temporary home. Peter Van Brunt is studying more advanced Web site design and may be able to design and possibly host a more advanced, interactive site in the future. Anyone else with Web skills and/or a domain with space to spare please contact me.

Feel free to send me (David Hunsberger) ideas and materials for this Web site, including photos or digital scans, to: To share ideas about the reunion please contact Bob Vitro, at, and send me a copy of your message for this Web site.