Subj: CD Coop III Reunion Survey Update 03-29 
Date: 3/29/02 9:22:49 PM Eastern Standard Time
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Hello everyone:
Time is passing.  We need to come to a preliminary conclusion or we will lose the "window of opportunity" for organizing a Reunion this summer.  The purpose of this message is to take a step towards preparing a response to the other members of the group.
As you will note from the enclosures, we have received some additional responses to our survey.  A couple of the responses (Johnson and Galland) even suggest alternative locations.  Would each of you (including Doug) please study the responses and provide your responses to the following:
1.    Please list (in order with the most desirable as number 1) what dates you perceive to be to the most popular.
2.    Please list (in order with the most desirable as number 1) what locations you perceive to be to the most popular.
3.    Of the specific offerings to host the reunion somewhere else other than the metropolitan Washington, DC area, please list (in order with the most desirable as number 1) what alternative location each of you would prefer.
I will consolidate your replies into a draft message to send to all respondents.  Before sending our message to the group (along with the survey summary and group directory), I will share it with all of you.   
MARGE:    I know tax season is coming to a close and that you will have more time after April 15.  However, if you could take a few minutes before that date to provide me with your responses, we could gain some time.
DAVID:    Two thoughts.  First, since you are familiar with the internet person finding tools, would you be able to search for address of the people in the following categories: no reply, no address and returned envelopes.  The second point is less a request and more an inquiry.  Once we decide to "go public" with the survey responses and the directory, should we make the leap and place the information on your web site?
DEBBIE:    Since your computer will not allow you to open the attachments, I will mail a set to you on Saturday, March 30.
Thanks to everyone.