Subj: CD CoopIII Mtg 02-11 
Date: 2/9/02 9:57:04 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet

This is to confirm our meeting on Monday, February 11, at 4:30 pm.  [ed: this was later changed to Feb 13.] It will take place at the Corner Bakery, National Press Club Building, Ground Floor, southeast corner of the intersection at 14th and F Streets, NW.  Since Marge is away this weekend and will only see this message on Sunday night or Monday morning, I will call Debbie on Sunday evening to confirm the meeting.  If any one has any questions or wants for re-confirm, please call me at home this weekend (301-983-1341) or Monday morning at work (202-623-2247)
Our fundamental task during the meeting will be to address the following questions:
-    Do we think a 35th Anniversary reunion is an idea worth developing (by us or anyone else)?
-    Would it be feasible for the four of us to organize the Reunion in the Washington DC area this summer?
-    If so, can we agree draft text for circulating a preliminary survey to the rest of the group so that we can find out if a large number of them could attend?
In order to make the best use of everyone's time, we should do all we can in advance of the meeting to inform ourselves and, thereby, be able to inform each other, how we should proceed if we decided to proceed.  I have made copies of material distributed by Doug for the previous reunion.  I hope to have draft text for a survey and cover letter that we could distribute to the rest of the group if we decide to proceed to the next step.
I have copied and modified the following sections from a previous e-mail I sent to you.

Specifically, (if we decide to proceed with organizing an Anniversary Reunion) we should determine the following:
1. What might be some options for locations for the reunion?
> I will call the Peace
> Corps Office in Washington, DC to see if they know of any locations. I
> would not be surprised if they have had inquiries from other groups
interested in organizing a reunion in this area. (I HAVE CALLED BUT NO ONE HAS RETURNED MY CALL) Please give some thought to any locations in your area or with which you might be familiar.
> 2. What might be some optional weekends or should we let people vote from among all opetions between mid-June and
> Labor Day?
> 3. If we decide to carry out a survey, how should we go about doing so?
> I have reviewed the material in may file from the last reunion. Included in the file is a copy of  the 25th Anniversy Reunion Questionnaire.  I will make copies of the relevant material from the file for each of us to consider during the
meeting, should we decide to meet. I am sending a copy of this message to Doug to
> ask if he has anything more to add prior to our meeting. I will probably
> call him by Wednesday (6).
> If we decide to proceed with the meeting, I would recommend
> that we work towards the following outputs from the
> MONDAY meeting.
> 1. We should
> complete and prepare for mailing (w/ addressed envelopes) a modified
> survey.
> 2. Agreement on post-meeting responsibilities for each of us
> Suggestions for additional agenda items and outputs are
> welcome.