Subj: CD Coop III Reunion Survey Results 
Date: 5/28/02 11:36:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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May 28, 2002

Subject: CD Coop III Reunion Survey Results

Dear CD/Coop IIIer:

We would like to share the results of the 35th Reunion survey as well as some preliminary conclusions and recommendations regarding where and when we might get together.  Please accept our apologies for the delay.  We have tried to be as complete.  We have also wanted to make sure that a process was in place and the web site was functioning so that we can all continue to communicate with each other.

Below your will find the following:

-                     Preliminary conclusions

-                     Preliminary recommendations

-                     Reunion Survey Results (identical files can also be found on the web site).

 Preliminary Conclusions

1.                  There is a definite interest among all respondents but summer 2002 is too soon for bringing together a critical mass of people to one location on the same date.

2.                  Various alternative locations and dates have been recommended for 2003 (Florida, Colorado and New Mexico)

3.                  A CD Coop III web site will provide a platform for a continuous virtual reunion (making it easy for all of us to communicate with each other on any matter and to plan a reunion or series of reunions).

Preliminary Recommendations

1.                  We have decided NOT to proceed with planning for a 35th Reunion in the Washington, DC area during this summer.

The short amount of time remaining would not allow us to live up to the standard set by Doug Reymore

 2.                  We suggest that the CD/Coop III web site designed by David Hunsberger be used as a platform for discussing possible                 reunion locations and dates for the years ahead.

Preliminary proposals for alternatives locations and dates (Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and the WashDC metropolitan area) have been received.  We suggest that each of the groups that might be formed around each of these proposals prepare a more specific proposal and post it on the CD/Coop III web site, perhaps as soon as September 15.

3.                  A final decision regarding if, when and where to have our next reunion should be made no later than the end of October 2002.

The sooner a decision is made, the more time will there be to organize the event.  The time will enable each of us to make our individual plans to attend the event.

4.                  Everyone is encouraged to use the CD/Coop III web site.   You can visit it right now by clicking here on .  Click and take a look at the excellent job David has done to get us started on our “virtual reunion.”  David has agreed to manage the site.  He wants everyone to know that it “will evolve over time”, depending on how we all use it.  All communications involving additions to site should be sent to:  David plans to update the site as frequently as possible, at least, every two to four weeks.

                 ATTENTION:      Please send David any corrections and updates of your address, phone/fax numbers, etc. so that the                 Directory can be kept up to date.

 5.                  We should continue a collective effort to find “Lost” Group Members.  New information that may help track people down should be sent to David.  He will post it in the Directory and News area, as appropriate.

 Reunion Survey Results

 The conclusions and recommendations are based on the Reunion Survey Results provided below:

 Surveys Sent and Received (Please see attachment ““Survey Reply Prel Response Summ” for the names of people in each of the following groups)

45 surveys sent

28 Replies received

4 Envelopes returned

8 Non-respondents

4 Addresses not available

1 Deceased

CD Coop III Directory

-           All of the basic contact information for each of the 28 respondents appears in the attachment titled “CD Coop III Directory 2002.”

Consolidated Survey Results

All responses have been integrated into a consolidated survey form.  See attached file: “Reunion Survey Results”. 

Please send your reactions to our conclusions and recommendations via e-mail to David ( so he can post them on the web site.

Hasta luego,

The DC 4 (Debbie, David, Marge and Bob)

Enclosures (as mentioned)

PS:       Please note that the contents of this message were sent via the US Postal Service to Pearl (Brooks) Perez and Becky (Johnston) Nguyen as we did not receive their respective e-mail addresses. Also, e-mails to Mike DiMarzo and Martha Egan have been returned.