Network Diagram Gantt Bars
Microsoft Project

Versions supported: Project 2007, Project 2010, Project 2013.

Provided by
David H. Hunsberger
Microsoft Certified Professional -- Microsoft Project (December 1995)

Microsoft Project Training Options:

Training can be provided in English or Spanish.

Various course texts can be used with these courses, including Microsoft Press, Microsoft Project Step By Step, available for all versions of Microsoft Project. These books are available in English or Spanish.

Click here for the page covering course costs and logistics.

Microsoft Project Consulting Services:

Consulting assignments typically include one or more of the following:

Microsoft Project Continuing Schedule Support:

Consider "outsourcing" some or all of your schedule maintenance to us. We will update and maintain your project schedules from inputs received from your Project Managers and team members. We will prepare monthly reports, and we will manage schedule briefings and demonstrations for third parties, including customers, funding sources, and boards of directors.

Benefits of outsourcing include:

David H. Hunsberger
3827 N. Chesterbrook Road
Arlington, VA 22207
Cell Phone: 202-669-7601

Link to Cost and Logistics Page

Link to Standard Course Outline

Link to David Hunsberger's Resume

Link to Federal Agency Buyer's Page

Tips and Tricks using Microsoft Project